Northeast Region

Northeast Region

On behalf of the Glasser Institute for Choice Theory Northeast Region, we would like to welcome you to our site. Here you will find information about upcoming events, member resources, news and links to helpful information. Please use the “Contact Us” link below if you would like to learn more about Choice Theory, if you are looking for materials or presenters, or if you would like to enroll in training.

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Glasser Institute for Choice Theory Northeast Region is to improve the quality of people’s lives and relationships by teaching Choice Theory as it applies to personal development, counseling, education, and management.

We are a non-profit corporation serving the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont.


Want to join the Region or renew your membership?

News & Events

2021 Events

Connecting & Conversing #5:

September 21st 7-8:30 pm


This zoom event inspired a thoughtful discussion. Among the 9 participants.  Sue Tomaszewski Presented several models representing ChoiceTheory concepts.  Participants were able to related which aspects were useful to them inmeeting their basic needs during the pandemic.

2020 Events


Connecting & Conversing #1                    September 1, 2020




The WGIUS Northeast offered a Zoom event to interested advocates of Choice Theory in the Northeast region on September 1, 2020.  Thirteen participants gathered in this meeting to reconnect and to share experiences of the pandemic from a Choice Theory perspective. An introduction / involvement activity reconnected old friends and introduced new acquaintances.  Sue Tomaszewski facilitated discussion using a variety of thought-provoking slides that tapped into our experiences over the previous six months.  Feedback after the event indicated wide support for continuing this event quarterly.

Connecting & Conversing #2

Navigating Relationship Challenges
During the pandemic & the current political arena
What Choice Theory Has to Offer
Exploring the roles of Perceived World, Knowledge & Valuing Filters,
Quality World Pictures, Tipped Scales, Total Behaviors, Self-Evaluation

Connecting & Conversing #2 launched on December 1, 2020 with the theme of Navigating Relationships. 

Twelve participants, some new, some veterans of #1, convened to share personal thoughts about challenges faced.  Breakout groups were formed for consideration of how relationships have been challenged and enriched during the pandemic and the election cycle this year.  Choice Theory principles were applied to different situations offered by participants.

WGIUS Northeast Region Business Meeting     

November 17, 2020 7:00 pm – 8:30pm via Zoom

Attended by 7 members.
Summary:  This meeting was the first held in the Northeast since 9/6/2019 in Danielson, CT.  Previous minutes were reviewed and the treasurer’s report was given.  The treasurer explained changes in reporting required by the organization’s establishment as a charitable organization.  Committee reports were heard.  The membership was updated about the delayed election of regional chairperson and changes in representation to GIFCT.  The work of the Board over the summer to revitalize our organization was shared.  Vacant positions of Secretary and Scholarship Chairperson were filled.  Activities and focus of GIFCT were shared with the group. The Connecting & Conversing events were discussed. Membership outreach was also a topic of discussion.  Members were encouraged to provide input and ideas going forward.

Regional Scholarships

The Northeast Region of the Glasser Institute for Choice Theory US is pleased to offer financial support to individuals who wish to pursue training through the institute leading to certification in Choice Theory and Reality Therapy through the Northeast Regional Scholarship.  The Region honors the commitment of several of its longstanding members to the teachings of William Glasser and the power of Choice Theory by sponsoring this scholarship program.The Northeast Region of the Glasser Institute for Choice Theory US is pleased to offer financial support to individuals who wish to pursue training through the institute leading to certification in Choice Theory and Reality Therapy through the Northeast Regional Scholarship.  The Region honors the commitment of several of its longstanding members to the teachings of William Glasser and the power of Choice Theory by sponsoring this scholarship program.

Scholarship assistance is available to individuals who reside in the Northeast Region and who seek to participate in any of the training programs that are recognized by the Glasser Institute for Choice Theory US or the William Glasser Institute International.  All of the training levels leading to certification in Choice Theory and Reality Therapy are eligible for scholarship support:

  1. Basic Intensive Training
  2. Basic Practicum
  3. Advanced Intensive Training
  4. Advanced Practicum
  5. Certification Week

Download Regional Scholarship Criteria & Application

Click on image to read bio

Deborah Woltag

Deborah Woltag


Stephen Tracy

Stephen Tracy

Vice President & NE Representative

Contact Us

12 + 13 =

These short entries are meant to be memes, quotes, graphics, visuals of any sort that represent &/or remind us of Choice Theory in some way.  You are welcome to submit your “Nuggets” using the “Contact Us” button.

“You don’t have to be the boss to be a leader. You can be in a leadership role in any seat that you’re sitting in.”
– Stacy Cunningham, President NYSE

“If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life, but still the same amount of snow.” @mindfulfitnes

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”
– Viktor E. Frankl