Member information

Hello and Greetings from your GIFCT-US Membership Committee. In order to provide you with a quality membership experience, we have created a short survey for you to complete.

With your responses we will be able to:

  • Connect you with other GIFCT-US Members near you
  • Connect you with other GIFCT-US Members who have similar interests
  • Connect you with your GIFCT-US Regional Board Representative so you are aware of what activities are being held near you and/or virtually
  • GIFCT-US does Not monetize our mailing list. You will be able to indicate on the survey if you are willing to have your name and information shared within the GIFCT-US community.

If you do not want to share your snail mail address, please indicate your state of residence:(Required)
Training: Please check one(Required)
Areas of Interest: Check all that apply(Required)
Opt Out
Membership renewal month:(Required)

Thank You in advance for your assistance in creating more quality connections within GIFCT-US.

Comments/Questions: please contact Judith Ashley Klefman, Membership Committee Chair at JudithKlefmanCT/