Certification Training

Membership Levels

The Glasser Institute for Choice Theory is excited to offer more benefits and opportunities for its members. GIFCT is the Member Organization of William Glasser International (WGI) representing the United States of America and its territories. However, GIFCT is a separate entity from WGI and offers many additional benefits, most notably is the ability to create and be compensated for products that are branded and sold by GIFCT. People from all parts of the world are invited and encouraged to join GIFCT, participate in its offerings and become involved with its leadership.

Members may select any level of membership up to the level for which they are qualified. The benefits enjoyed will then be determined by that level of paid membership.

For example, if a member has completed Faculty training and no longer wishes to serve as an Instructor, they may sign up at the Certified level. Also, if you are already Faculty in another country and want to participate in GIFCT’s revenue sharing, then you may take out the membership level that affords you the ability to do that. There would be no reason to purchase a Faculty membership if you already have one in your country.

When dues are paid to GIFCT by US residents (excluding students), a portion of the fee is automatically sent to WGI, for membership in the International body.

Membership Levels for GIFCT:

  1. Student
  2. Colleague
  3. Retiree
  4. Associate
  5. Certified
  6. Faculty





Become a member at the base level to interact with thousands of people globally who have empowered themselves to create a more satisfying life. Learn the concepts of Choice Theory to better understand human behavior and the appropriate actions to take so as to minimize stressful situations and enhance relationships. These concepts work well in all types of situations, both personal and professional.

The Colleague level is provided for those people who have not taken any formal training towards the certification process offered by WGI. The benefits give Colleagues an opportunity to interact with other members who have vast experiences in incorporating the concepts of Choice Theory in their lives and in the workplace.

Benefits include:
• Join the monthly affiliate groups for mental health professionals and educators
• Join the monthly Diversity teleconferences
• Participate in Making Sense of It webinars
• Membership in William Glasser International (for those residing in the US and its territories)





A reduced rate is offered at the Colleague level for high school, college and graduate students in any discipline. The student will be able to take advantage of all the benefits offered to Colleagues except it does not include membership to WGI.






Once you experience the advantages of applying the concepts of Choice Theory to your life, you’re going to want more. GIFCT offers a training program that further explains the concepts of Choice Theory and how to apply them to your life. Consider it the beginning of a partnership between you and GIFCT as opportunities are available to take an active role in the organization and also to promote your own work.

To reach the Associate level, members must complete a Basic Intensive Training (BIT). After taking this course, you will want to join the effort to realize Dr. Glasser’s dream, which was to “teach the world Choice Theory.” If you have any ideas about how to accomplish this, we want to hear them. Members at this level are encouraged to bring forward those ideas and to work with a Certified member to bring them to fruition. All participants are then entitled to receive royalties for their work.

Benefits include everything provided at the Colleague level plus:
• Advertise a product or service you offer to the GIFCT email list – $50 fee for each mailing
• Ability to vote for representatives to the WGI Board (US residents only)
• Promote your own ideas and/or assist others in the development of GIFCT branded products where royalties will be offered
• Serve as a Director on the GIFCT Board






Once you have received benefits from the application of Choice Theory in your life, you may become even more motivated to share this information with the world. Before GIFCT unleashes you to do that, we ask that you complete the 5-step certification process offered through WGI. This training provides discussion and application of the advanced concepts of Choice Theory and in-depth practice of Reality Therapy. This is not only for mental health professionals; it is an invaluable process that can be used by everyone to evaluate progress towards their goals.

Certified members are given the freedom to lead the process for implementing their product ideas and may be referred out to work with customers looking for trainers and consultants.





The Faculty level is for US residents only who are interested in teaching the WGI certification training. The additional opportunities offered for this level of membership are provided by WGI. Dues must be paid at this level in order for the member to be compensated for providing services as a Practicum Supervisor or Instructor for any of the certification or Faculty training programs.

The additional benefits offered for Faculty include:
• Provide services for which member is qualified due to the level of Faculty training completed: Practicum Supervisor, Basic Instructor or  Senior Faculty
• Facilitate the Take Charge of Your Life program offered by WGI





The Retired Faculty level is designed for US residents who have reached the levels of Practicum Supervisor up to Senior Faculty, yet are no longer operating in that capacity. These members are no longer interested in conducting any training, yet want to continue to support the organization. The benefits offered to members at this level are the same as those offered at the Colleague level, although Retired Faculty are also welcome to attend any Faculty events.

In order to enhance your participation, GIFCT has implemented a learning management system (LMS) to encourage interaction between members and with the institute. By visiting this site frequently, you will keep up with what other members are talking about and the status of new products. You are also encouraged to navigate to this site to find forms, publications and other information from and about GIFCT.

Once you have decided at which level you want to join, follow the link below and you will be transferred to the learning management system to initiate the membership process.

Join now.