

1 a: a meeting of two or more persons for discussing matters of common concern. I was sitting in a lounge chair on the back porch, looking at the blue sky and the orange tree and listening to doves and cactus wrens. I was thinking about our conference in St. Louis in...

A Perfect World

There are two quotes from Counseling with Choice Theory by Dr. William Glasser, that I have been ruminating about. They are: “None of us can wish the past away. All any of us can control is our own present behavior. We all want a perfect world populated by perfect...

PDCA Glasser Coaching

In The Control Theory Manager, Dr. Glasser credited W. Edwards Deming with increasing his concept of quality. In my day job, teaching the Deming concepts (Lean), exemplified in the Toyota Production System, Deming popularized the PDCA Cycle, sometimes called the...