Virtual Attendance of Keynotes
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
8:30 am to 10:00 pm
Virtual Attendance (Keynotes)
September 4,5 & 6
Perceptions: Making Room for a New Narrative – Paul Iarrobino
Paul Iarrobino will walk us through his journey from a career in public service with the goal of retiring with full benefits to his new, rapidly evolving second career. He will explain the organic process that led to his shift from that view of himself and his future to trusting his intuition and reframing his personal narratives. When he “retired” early, he didn’t have plans to become a coach, produce a documentary and community storytelling events, or raise funds and awareness for local charities, but that is exactly where this journey has led. Now into his third year as storyteller, coach, and event producer, he will share what he has learned about himself along the way and how he incorporates these techniques to help others.
Community activist, speaker, coach, and producer, Paul Iarrobino has a strong interest in storytelling and preserving LGBTQ history. Three years ago, he stepped away from his career in the aging field where he was an advocate for vulnerable adults and the programs that supported them. He defined a fresh, innovative path for himself that includes regular collaboration within an ever-expanding community and helping others discover new possibilities in his coaching practice.
Paul’s passion to preserve the histories of the LGBTQ community led him to take the leap into the ranks of self-employed. In 2017 he ventured into the field of “producer.” The result? The groundbreaking video Breaking the Silence: an Oral History of Oregon’s LGBTQ Service Members. He created the film to raise awareness of how military culture negatively impacted and continues to impact the LGBTQ community.
Our Bold Voices, Paul’s storytelling company, trains and mentors new storytellers while helping raise funding and awareness for smaller local nonprofits. Paul, one of the founding members of SAGE Metro Portland, was awarded their Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018 for his years of dedicated service and commitment to making a difference in the LGBTQ older adult community. SAGE is a national network of thirty affiliates working to create more inclusive communities for LGBTQ elders.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
8:30 am to 10:00 am
Time for a New Leadership Paradigm – Panel Discussion facilitated by Pat Robey
How do we engage others using Lead Management? How do we give feeback, especially around blind spots using Lead Management? What are the emerging ideas about management and how do they fit with Choice Theory Leadership? What challenges do we face? How do we take what Dr. Glasser taught us and expand his ideas for a more robust role in the Leadership conversation? Join the discussion with panelists: Jim Mishler, Kim Olver, Ken Pierce, Jean Seville Suffield and Lynn Sumida.
Friday, September 6, 2019
8:30 am to 10:00 am
Virtual Attendance (Keynotes)
September 4,5 & 6
Being Human in the 21st Century – Nate Hagens
The 20th century is unique in human history. Never before was the population scale and human experience so different than the centuries before it. The 21st century is shaping up to be different again, and is proving itself to be even more than we expected. The tailwinds of cheap resources, cheap credit, negligible impact on the environment and culturally diverse and (mostly) peaceful global society have turned into headwinds. We now face more costly resources, limits to financial expansion, heavy environmental impact on ecosystems and other species all amidst rising populism, angst, social movements and political opportunism. These challenges imply a haircut to our material living standards on the horizon. But despite these challenges and what they imply about our future, we are still one of the richest generations to live on this Earth. Happiness and fulfilment are – once basic needs are met – not increased by more energy and consumption. We find ourselves on the cusp of a cultural shift away from material abundance. How we steer the conversation and what sort of visions and leadership we promote will have an enormous bearing on future generations. While it is likely our societies will be ‘less wealthy’ materially than the past couple generations, there is a wide-open opportunity on how we respond on spiritual, community and well-being levels. This challenge must be guided by teachers and leaders and examples of being intrinsically motivated as opposed to externally validated. Dr. Hagen lays the groundwork of what has changed and invites participants to consider how they want to influence the future.
Dr. Nate Hagens is unique in our world of “specialization” because he believes in order to address any of the challenges we face globally, we must start from a comprehensive understanding of the whole picture. He is an impressive synthesizer of a framework for our future that integrates multiple disciplines: neuroscience, biology, psychology, ecology, energy, and economics.
His background is just as diverse, from working on Wall Street for 10 years, to teaching at the University of Minnesota. He has a master’s degree with Honors in Finance, from the University of Chicago and a PhD. in Natural Resources from the University of Vermont. He created a powerful and innovative honors course at the University of Minnesota called Reality 101 – A Survey of the Human Predicament. His goal with this course is to give young people a cohesive description of the future of the global economy and about themselves as individuals, so they can be powerful, informed advocates for their own future.
Dr. Hagens was the lead editor of The Oil Drum, one of the most positive and well-respected websites on global energy supplies and its sustainability and has appeared on PBS, BBC, ABC and NPR. He co-created with Jeff Bridges the recently released environmental documentary, Living the Future’s Past. Dr. Hagans message is positive and focuses on how we can be both informed and engaged as we address the constraints and opportunities – after the peak of global economic growth. He pierces together numerous cultural assumptions about our future and why we aren’t collectively responding to it, including why we are overly socially conscious, why we are driven by ‘wanting’ as opposed to ‘having’, and why we are averse to acting ahead of time.
A strong believer in intrinsic motivation he hopes to inspire people to wake up and take action on whatever aspect of the future matters to them. It’s not about telling people what to care about; it’s about helping people feel empowered to act. Together he believes we can make a tremendous difference in shaping the future of our world.